Oregon Grape Mahonia aquifolium, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Eroded sandstone wave, Lower Antelope Canyon, Hasdestwazi, LeChee Chapter, Navajo Nation, Arizona
Kevin Oke
A couple walking in Golden Canyon, Death Valley, California
Kevin Oke
Red-belted Polypore, Fomitopsis pinicola
Kevin Oke
Sunrise in the mountains, Dante's View, Death Valley, California
Kevin Oke
Woolly Chanterelle, Gomphus floccosus, mushroom with maple leaves
Kevin Oke
Toothed Jelly Fungus, Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
Kevin Oke
Parrot Toadstool or Parrot Waxcap, Hygrocybe psittacina
Kevin Oke
Small orange mushrooms
Kevin Oke
Deltoid Balsamroot Balsamorhiza deltoidea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke
Graases, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Common Camas Camassia quamash, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Chocolate Lily Fritillaria affinis, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #4
Kevin Oke
Chocolate Lily Fritillaria affinis, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #5
Kevin Oke
Wildflower meadow, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Pacific Bleeding Heart Dicentra formosa, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #2
Kevin Oke
Dandelion, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Deltoid Balsamroot Balsamorhiza deltoidea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #6
Kevin Oke
Sea Blush Plectritis congesta, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #2
Kevin Oke
Jagged salt formations at the Devil's Golf Course, Death Valley, California
Kevin Oke
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley, California
Kevin Oke
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley, California #1
Kevin Oke
Dried mud exposed on the rippled sand, Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley, California
Kevin Oke
Red-belted Polypore,Fomitopsis pinicola
Kevin Oke
Golden chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius
Kevin Oke
Gemmed Amanita, Amanita gemmata, coming up through a bed of moss
Kevin Oke
Blue-eyed Mary Collinsia parviflora, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Deltoid Balsamroot Balsamorhiza deltoidea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Deltoid Balsamroot Balsamorhiza deltoidea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #3
Kevin Oke
Chocolate Lily Fritillaria affinis, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Chocolate Lily Fritillaria affinis, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke
Chocolate Lily Fritillaria affinis, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #3
Kevin Oke
Common Camas Camassia quamash, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #2
Kevin Oke
Tulip, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke
Wildflower meadow, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke
Hooker's Fairybell Disporum hookeri, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Pacific Dogwood Cornus nuttallii, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke
Salal Gaultheria shallon, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Salal Gaultheria shallon, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #2
Kevin Oke
Lupine Lupinus, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Deltoid Balsamroot Balsamorhiza deltoidea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #7
Kevin Oke
Sea stars on the rocks at Tonquin Beach, Tofino
Kevin Oke
Sandstone walls, Lower Antelope Canyon, Hasdestwazi, LeChee Chapter, Navajo Nation, Arizona
Kevin Oke
Sunset on the hills above Furnace Creek, Death Valley, California
Kevin Oke
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes at sunrise, Death Valley, California
Kevin Oke
Woolly Chanterelle, Gomphus floccosus, with ferns
Kevin Oke
Orange Jelly, Dacrymyces palmatus
Kevin Oke
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes at sunrise, Death Valley, California #1
Kevin Oke
Golden chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius, on a mossy forest floor
Kevin Oke
Pink Coral Fungus, Ramaria formosa
Kevin Oke
Small Mycena mushroom growing on a log
Kevin Oke
Turkey Tail Polypores, Trametes Versicolor, cling to a dead tree
Kevin Oke
Amanita muscaria mushroom at a young stage
Kevin Oke
Carbon Antlers, Xylaria hypoxylon
Kevin Oke
Red-belted Polypore, Fomitopsis pinicola, in snow
Kevin Oke
Pacific Bleeding Heart Dicentra formosa, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Pacific Bleeding Heart Dicentra formosa, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke
Sea Blush Plectritis congesta, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Deltoid Balsamroot Balsamorhiza deltoidea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #2
Kevin Oke
Spring Gold Lomatium utriculatum, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Common Camas Camassia quamash, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke
Golden chain Tree Laburnum watereri, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Yellow wildflower, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Garden statue, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Tulip, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Stream Violet Viola glabella, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Kevin Oke
Vanilla Leaf Achlys triphylla, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #2
Kevin Oke
Foxglove Digitalis purpurea, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #3
Kevin Oke
Daisy, Cowichan Valley, Vancouver Island, British Columbia #1
Kevin Oke